Monday, September 8, 2008

My Poster on Save The Trees

finally, i put my peace of advice on top to represent the theme of the poster.

step 4

then i put in the sky with a gradient to show the sky blue and the lights behind the hills.

step 3

then i put in green hills in the back as a deforestation-free hill.

step 2

Next i put the ground/land to represent the fresh green soil where no deforestation/ forest burning happened.

step 1

i started my poster with trees which represents the forests.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Tree...

save the trees....stop forests fires....

Step 6...

finally i put my logo...

Step 5...

then i put da background color to give a scenery...

Step 4...

then i put background leaves...

Step 3...

then i fullfilled the bark with contrast colors...

Step 2...

then i made leaves with contrast colors...

Step 1....

i first started with the tree bark...


this is my reference tree....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Logo Of Earth's Judgement Day.

This would be my logo representing the global warming issue. 1stly i would say that the suface of the Earth would turn very nasty if the Earth is not taken care of. The scary face of the lower surface of the globe represents the evil in humans of destroying Earth's properties such as burning trees and deforestations (the burning branch used as a cigarette).

My Final Move.

Finally I put the fire representing the heat of global warming and also the forest burnings.

My 7th Move.

Next I drew the skull holding a brunch (representing our ecosystem) in his mouth like a cigarette which brings message saying that it is the human beings the cause of forest fires and deforestations which contributes for global warming.

My 6th Move.

Then I put the image of an open mouth.

My 5th Move.

Next I put a scary mouth for the skeletal face to represent the evil in human beings.

My 4th Move.

Next I inserted a pair of eyes and nosetrils to make it look like a skeletal face.

My 3rd Move.

Later on, I tried a sculpture of a skeletal cheek bones for the lowere surface of the Earth.

My 2nd Move.

Next I put land for the earth's surface.

my 1st move...

Firstly I tried drawing a broken egg shaped semi oval representing the Earth. And then i colored it blue representing the sea.

i started with some sketches to broaden my ideas. i wanted to give a death effect to visualise global warming. that was one of the reason i came up with symbols like the skull and fire. the earth skull effect shows that the earth is dying.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hey There...

hey there people in da house. dis is ma brand new blog. so if u wanna have some fun. come get it now. take it down homies...